Welcome to an online community where we find some incredible things and the Shoe Carrier Clip is just one of those items. We all know someone in sports and they always STUFF their dirty muddy shoes in their gym bag. Whew, the aroma and what a mess! Well, now the shoe carrier clip is here to save the day. Just clip them onto the shoes and hang the shoes outside the bag. No dirt and mud inside the bag and the shoes are airing out. Hands-free, no lost shoes, and even helps organize your shoes. The perfect gift for the family athlete or for that matter everyone.
Shoe Carrier Clips are a must-have item!
Use for your gym shoes or any shoes and for organizing the shoes in your closet. It saves space in your gym bag or backpack. Use when you are shopping and have an extra bag (holds up to 20 lbs.) just clip and hang from the handles of the bag you are already carrying. It is great for traveling and keeping your shoes together. Just wait until you get them; I have a feeling you too will find more uses for them.
And there is a plus; there are odor eaters are available to put in your shoes after playing hard, but you are not sharing the sweaty foot odor with the family too. Another great find that most of us can use, especially the athletes in the family.
These clips can be used with high heels, ballet shoes, ski boots, skates, cowboy boots, and the list goes on. When you clip your shoes and put them away, or just hang them up in the closet with odor eaters inside. devices are so useful that you should have one for each pair of foot covering you have. Or at least the ones you play in. So, Shoe Carrier Clips is a must-have for us all with so many shoes to clip. With the holidays so close at hand be sure to order some for everyone on your gift list. Your Clips Are Here!